Box Me In

Today, we got our first local, organic delivery from Irv and Shelly’s.  It was perfect timing because we put out a bag this morning for the “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive. The outgoing bag was full of pasta, lentils, processed sauces and other fine examples of our previous diet .  Kind of interesting the way the timing worked out, but out with the old and in with the new!  I’m really impressed with the variety in the Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks Veg/ Fruit Box.  It was almost like an episode of “Chopped” when we got it.  There were a couple things that I’ve never cooked and have barely heard of… like ramps and parsnips.  Other items in the box were a mini watermelon, bananas, oranges, spinach, chives.  It is like a cornucopia of organic goodness.

We decided to get creative and work with some new ingredients, so tonight we made lamb burgers stuffed with sauteed onion, garlic and ramps.  Then had some amazing sauteed parsnips sprinkled with fresh chives on the side.  Whoa!  What a flavor packed and delicious meal!  Ramps rock and parsnips were surprisingly sweet and super tasty.I’m already excited about out next delivery.  It’s really a cool service.  You can pick out the right sized box to fit your appetite.  It’s actually a bag, but that’s ok… they will recycle the bag on the next delivery (am I turning into a hippie or what?).  Anyway, they fill the bag with fresh, local organic produce and then you can add on extras like organic avocados, Gunthorp Farms pasture raised organic chicken, organic grass fed beef or anything else from their site.  They deliver to our zip code on Saturdays and bring it right to the door.  Is it a good value?  I really think so.  If I went to Whole Foods and bought the exact same stuff, it would cost more and take at least an hour out of my day.  There is a similar service that has more meat items in their inventory, so we will be trying that one, too… and will post the experience as well.


Back in the Saddle!

After three long weeks of rainy weather, the sun is out in Chicago and the temps are perfect. We all know how fleeting and temporary good weather is here, so I got my bike out and started riding. First a quick evening 10 mile ride after doing the post-Winter tune-ups and adjustments. Then a 20 miler the next morning with riding buddy, Jim. And another 20 miler that evening with buddy, Mark. Needless to say, the ol bum is a little tender and a lot sore. Obviously, I’m not in tip top riding shape, but I did feel lighter on the bike and going into a headwind wasn’t bad at all. One thing I did notice is my energy got depleted really quickly but recovery was pretty quick, thank god! I needed that quick recovery because I can’t let Jim beat me on all the hills… which is about 2 in total if you have ever ridden the lake front path. I’ll need to find some Paleo friendly energy bars or fill one of my bottles with coconut milk instead of water to keep energy up on long rides. I am open to suggestions. If anyone has ideas, please post them below.
About an hour after the morning ride, I was curious about my blood pressure, so I took a measurement. I was pretty amazed to see a reading of 108/ 70 and 75 bpm. Later, I was down to 64 bpm and weighed in at 178.6 lbs. Contrast with that a year ago… 147/ 98, 62 bpm and 197.6 lbs. All that with no medication… just a happy and fulfilling diet/ lifestyle upgrade. Yes, I’m a full Paleo convert. I can’t dispute the results and I’ve never felt better.

Chuck Lakefront Bike

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